Unveiling the Depths: The Three Crucial Steps to Self-Discovery

By: On The Record Team


Self-discovery and the steps toward it is no mere journey; it’s a profound excavation of your essence, a quest to unravel the intricacies of your being. I credit discovering what my divine assignment has been in life (more on that later) to my self discovery process. It’s about peeling back the layers, exposing the raw truth of who you are. Your DNA, your values, your desires, your scars – they all contribute to the tapestry that is uniquely you. 

In this whirlwind of existence, understanding oneself becomes paramount, for it’s the cornerstone upon which a life of authenticity and fulfillment is built. Let’s delve into the depths and uncover the roadmap to self-discovery, but keep in mind that this is not just a checklist that you can complete for immediate fulfillment. This is an intense process that requires thought, therapy, conversation, openness, and vulnerability. 


Step 1: Learn Who You Are

The inaugural step on the path to self-discovery beckons us to seek companionship in our journey. While introspection is invaluable, the guidance of a mentor – a coach, a therapist, a healer – can catalyze our growth exponentially. Their trained eyes offer fresh perspectives, their empathy lends solace, and their wisdom becomes a beacon in the labyrinth of self-exploration. For me, if it wasn’t for my Shamanic Healer and incredible friend Jen Hoy, founder of Body Spirit Nutrition, I never would have been able to put in the work and make the progress to bring me to this point.   

“Healing” may seem enigmatic, but it’s fundamentally about unraveling the knots within. What does it truly mean to heal? It’s a question that invites introspection, one that resonates differently for each individual. Share your thoughts. Embrace the discourse, for in its midst lies enlightenment. But understand, learning who you are can not be done alone. In this chapter of your journey, be sure to seek the guidance and help of a coach. 


Step 2: Love Who You Are

Learning to love oneself isn’t a linear journey; it’s a tumultuous odyssey marked by peaks and valleys. Through the lens of self-discovery, we confront our demons, unearthing buried traumas and insecurities. For me, it was the realization of a deep-rooted fear of abandonment, a specter from childhood trauma. It cast a shadow over my relationships, sowing seeds of self-doubt and shame.

Acknowledgment was my first step towards liberation. By naming my demons, I reclaimed agency over my narrative. I had to find the 13 year old inside of me and learn to love her, and look in the mirror and love myself. It’s a sentiment shared by many; trauma and shame are not solitary burdens but communal experiences. Embracing this truth is the precursor to transcendence, the key to unlocking our fullest potential.


Step 3: Be With Who You Are

Before we can enact change, we must first learn to be. In the hustle and bustle of life, the art of being becomes an elusive skill. Yet, it’s in the stillness of our presence that transformation takes root. Meditation, a multibillion-dollar industry, attests to the potency of intentional being. It’s a phase fraught with challenges yet brimming with revelations, a pivotal juncture in our journey towards self-mastery.

One of the biggest lessons I learned when it came to being was to stop comparing myself to others. I taught myself that “compare equals despair.” And it’s a real thing – the concept of believing other people are better than us, comparing ourselves to them, and then feeling bad about ourselves. Once you can actually BE with yourself, you’ll have done the work correctly. 


The quest for self-discovery is not easy, but it’s necessary. It demands courage, vulnerability, and an unwavering commitment to truth. But within its crucible lies the promise of emancipation, of a life lived authentically and unapologetically. And it’s a never ending journey, I’m still in my self discovery process each and every day, learning new things as a wife, mother, leader, and human. We’re in this together, so don’t hesitate to reach out. 

If you are thinking about coaching or working with someone to put the work in with, consider joining us in doing the work with ThoughtFULL, a small-group coaching program, with 8 real ass people in each group, wanting to be better to themselves and the people in their lives.





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